How to Remove Face Scars at Home

Everyone’s cosmetic nightmare is getting a scar under any circumstance. If the issue affects your face, you cannot hide it. Everyone asks questions, and you see the scar every time you look in the mirror. As time passes, you begin to doubt there might be a chance to actually remove face scars or watch them fade away.

Scars are part of the body’s healing process after the body tissue has been damaged. Skin tissue may be affected by acne, injuries, burns and scalds, bites, or scratches. They should be temporary. However, face scars are a burden even if they last just a few days.

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Facial scars are typically not eligible for health insurance. If the injury physically impairs you, the doctor can write a letter about your case and send it to the insurer. Treatments for cosmetic purposes are not covered by most health insurance plans. Some insurance plans, though, cover scars from cosmetic surgery.

So, you might find yourself on a tight budget, struggling to treat visible injuries that seem to stubborn to heal completely. This guide is designed to teach you how to remove face scars at home using natural and completely safe ingredients.

The treatments below have been chosen based on their efficiency and properties. As the wounds go through the various healing stages, you can consult specialized websites such as BeautyEssential to discover the makeup products that can hide scars without drawing attention.

Learn how to remove face scars using aloe vera

The aloe vera plant is a rich source of vitamins which has been used to heal burns and irritated skin in traditional alternative medicine. The fresh gel extracted from the leaves works as a natural skin moisturizer which removes scars by treating their cause.

There are two ways to treat your skin with aloe vera. You can purchase aloe vera gel from pharmacies and online shops or you can use the leaves of a potted aloe plant. Since they are low-maintenance, aloe plants don’t need chemical fertilizers or pesticides to grow.

Aloe vera gel works best for acne scars and pimple marks as it strengthens the collagen structures in the damaged skin tissue. The plant’s glycoprotein stops pain and inflammation, while its antibacterial properties add a layer of natural emollient to the damaged skin.

  • Peel off the outer layer of a plant and scoop out the gel substance.
  • Generously apply the gel on the scar and massage gently.
  • Leave the gel on the wound for 30 minutes and wash thoroughly. Repeat two times a day.

Use lemon to even your skin color

Lemon is rich in alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) which heal all types of scars by removing dead skin cells, producing new ones, and improving skin’s elasticity. Vitamin C regenerates damaged skin while the other compounds bleach scars.

As a downside, lemon juice enhances skin’s sensitivity to UV radiation, which you can prevent by avoiding sun exposure for a few hours after the treatment.

  • Squeeze the fresh juice out of a lemon and apply it on the affected area. If you have sensitive skin, dilute the liquid in vitamin E oil.
  • Leave it on the scar for 10 minutes.
  • Rinse with warm water. Repeat once a day.

Coconut oil for a gentle treatment

Coconut oil is a potent natural moisturizer which heals the skin by reducing infection. It can treat scars from psoriasis, eczema, acne, and dermatitis. Coconut oil doesn’t even require rinsing as the vitamins in it improve the skin health for hours after application.

The oil is also a quick analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent which minimizes the risk of scarring. The tissue in the scar area heals faster, leaving you with scar-free and moisturized radiant skin.

  • Heat the oil for a few seconds until it melts.
  • Wash your face and pat the affected area with a towel.
  • Massage the oil into the area for three-five minutes.

Use baking soda for face scars

Baking soda can be found in most homes thanks to its cleaning properties. However, it also has anti-inflammatory and exfoliating properties which can ease irritation and remove dead skin residues. It can help gradually fade away scars one skin layer at a time.

Baking soda contains sodium bicarbonate crystals which exfoliate the skin and keeps it healthy.

  • Mix water and baking soda to a smooth paste.
  • Wash your face, dry and apply the mixture to the damaged area.
  • Massage for three minutes and leave the paste on for five minutes. Wash the face and repeat two times a week.

Create a scar healing routine

Alternatively, you can create a routine that employs most of the said natural treatments. You will need a cream cleanser, lemon juice, warm water, honey, aloe vera gel, and a towel. Also, you will add almond, jojoba, and olive oil.

  1. Wash your face and cleanse it with a natural product. You can increase its efficiency by choosing cleansers that contain chamomile, tea-tree oil, or lavender which balances your skin’s pH.
  2. Wipe your face dry with the towel and apply lemon juice for 15 minutes. Wash with warm water and dry.
  3. Apply honey on your face. Wait for 10 minutes, rinse, and dry.
  4. Apply aloe vera gel and let it dry. When you feel the gel is absorbed, add one of the above oils with emollient effects.
  5. Repeat the routine in the morning and the evening until the scars completely heal.

Healing face scars

Home remedies for face injuries are efficient solutions which require almost no effort in terms of budget and time. They usually come with no side effects unless you have sensitive skin or are prone to allergies. Make sure to consult with a dermatologist before starting one of the above routines.

Once you begin to use these ingredients, the scars will also start to fade until they’re entirely gone. Scars are part of the skin’s natural healing process. They’re not meant to alter your face forever. By looking for solutions and learning how to remove face scars, you contribute to the healing and boost nature’s course. Needless to say, scar removal has a boosting effect on your self-confidence and self-esteem as well.

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